Few things about Nepal !
Hi Friends,Thank you very much for all your comments . Its really a very nice experience to get comments from all over the world. On 4th of Aug,08 I received 25 comments from 18 different countries.
I tried to plot them on world map just to have a quick idea where we belong to. Dear friends and my respected teacher are you searching for yourself in the map ? I think I haven’t left any of you . By plotting this points I came to know at least my friends location in the world map.

Nepal is a landlocked country situated between Mahachin (Big China) and Maha Bharat ( Big India). It is renowned as the birth place of Lord Budda and contains 8 of world’s 10 highest peaks including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga - the world's tallest and third tallest - on the borders with China and India respectively. Its altitude varies from 70 to 8848 meters. It has population around 28 million with different culture and languages. Around 199 languages are spoken here in Nepal. Nepali is a common Language. Geographically it is divided into three sectors tarai (plain), pahad (hill) and himal (mountain). Tarai is influenced by Indian culture and Himal is influenced by Tibetian culture.
Some of you were asking about changes in Nepal. Yes there has been a change. Just like everything and everybody changes a little everyday, Nepal has also changed. Before the ruling power was in hand of king, so it was a kingdom. Now it has become republican country. First president of Nepal was elected in 21 July 2008. Nepali people are patiently waiting for new constitution in this 21st century with political stability as well. We are really very much enthusiastic about new Nepal.
Development wise it is a least developed country. Purchasing Power Parity of Nepal in International dollars is 1040 (2007). Rank wise it is in 190th position. Per capita income is 210 $. Given the high population growth rate of 2.5 percent, per capita income grew by only 1.4 percent per annum during the last 25 years.
(Source - click here)
In waterresources it is second after Brazil. But i feel same to say that we have become able to generate only 616 MW of electricity from hydropower. 80 % of Population still lives in rural area. Some of you will be surprised by knowing that 60 % of population still lives in dark.
That means no electricity at all. They are using kerosene to light the lamps. The cooking fuel is wood, twigs and biomass in rural area and in urban area its mostly Kerosene, LPG gas and electricity.
Amy from your previous blogs I knew that you were in Delhi. I was so excited when I saw the picture of Bhaktapur in your blog. The place where you have been is called Bhaktapur Durbar Square. We have other two similar types of Durbar squares in Lalitpur and Kathmandu.

I think Amy you will recognize this photo it’s of Bhaktapur Durbar Square.

Photo: Kathmandu Durbar Square

Photo: Patan Durbar Square
Amy was asking about feast and festival in my home town. Yes there are lot of feast and festival in Nepal. In average 1 festival per month. So we have lots of holiday here in Nepal. But my office has its own holiday plans so I can’t enjoy much holidays. There was a holiday for New Year after then it’s been 7 month we didn’t have any holiday.
Today we have one festival we call it Naaga Panchami. Naga means Snake so it’s a festival of snake.
It is ccelebrated during the monsoon rains on the fifth of the brightening lunar fortnight late in July or early August.
Naga, the Snake-Gods, are associated with rain in Nepal. People widely worship Snake-Gods as a controller of rainfall. When there is a drought, people perform pujas at chanting “Pani deu Naga Raja (Give us water Snake King)”.
Every year on this day, religious mela (fair) is organized at Nag Pokhari, Taudah and Nagdah as well. People of Thimi perform special puja in Sidha Pokhari, Bhaktapur where they believe that a Tantric holy man still dwells in the form of Snake. People, from all way of life, pray Naga, the underground Snake Deity with due respect and devotion for the protection of their treasures and water related calamites. Most of the people perform puja for Naga, before starting construction of new building to reduce the possible collapse of building due to Naga. Their images are displayed over the doorway of every Hindu household. Milk or rice water, honey, curds and boiled rice are offered for the Naga.

Photo : Siddapokhari, Bhaktapur

Photo: Taudaha lake , Chovar, Kathmandu
The lake was created by God Manjushree as a home for the serpents who lost their home when the valley was drained. Legend has it that the King of the Naga (or Serpents) - Karkotak resides to this day in the epicentre of the lake.
I don’t know today’s blog will be interesting for you or not. I am feeling that there is not a sequential flow in my writing today. Friends excuse me for this week; I have an interview in coming Friday and an exam in coming Sunday. I have to prepare for that. My office starts from 8:30 in the morning up to 5:30, Saturday and Sunday are with me to do the rest of thing other than official. But there is one drive that I need to find some time for improving my English.
Amy thanks for your all comments. I am weak in vocabulary. I hope “5 a day” will help to increase my vocabulary. Comments and questions to Amy’s blog will be on next blog.
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